"Le Nº52 comprend sept entrées analogiques - trois XLR symétrique et quatre RCA asymétrique - ainsi qu'une entrée phono dédiée configurables pour déplacer-aimant (MM) ou à bobine mobile (MC) Fonctionnement Deux ensembles de pré-sorties sont dupliqués dans les deux. XLR et RCA jacks, tandis qu'une paire auxiliaire supplémentaire des sorties XLR et RCA est configurable, pour la sortie fixe ou variable avec une sélection de source indépendante. Cette fonction permet la sortie auxiliaire de fonctionner comme un troisième pré-out, une gamme complète de passage sortie subwoofer ou une production record.
Le Nº52 est livré avec un mode SSP gain unité qui intègre les sources connectées à un système de cinéma maison tout en conservant un fonctionnement stéréo optimal et indépendant pour la musique. Les commandes du système comprennent Ethernet, propriétaire ML Net Mark Levinson et 12V déclencheur et ports de contrôle IR, ainsi que d'un connecteur USB qui peut faciliter les mises à jour logicielles. De plus, la télécommande fournie fonctionne également à la fois la Nº52 et d'autres composants Mark Levinson connectés.

« The Nº52 features seven analog inputs – three balanced XLR and four unbalanced RCA – as well as a dedicated phono input configurable for moving-magnet (MM) or moving-coil (MC) operation. Two sets of pre-outs are duplicated in both XLR and RCA jacks, while an additional auxiliary pair of XLR and RCA outputs is configurable, for fixed or variable output with independent source selection. This function allows the auxiliary output to function as a third pre-out, a pass-through full-range subwoofer output or a record output.
The Nº52 comes with a unity-gain SSP mode that integrates the connected sources into a home theater system while still maintaining optimal and independent stereo operation for music. System controls include Ethernet, Mark Levinson’s proprietary ML Net, and 12V trigger and IR control ports, as well as a USB connector that can facilitate software updates. Additionally, the included remote control also operates both the Nº52 and other connected Mark Levinson components.
The peerless craftsmanship of Mark Levinson is evident in every aspect of the Nº52. Within the control section, mirror-imaged DC power supplies and AC regeneration circuitry optimize power for the cleanest, most stable signals possible. Individual DC power cords supply power to the audio section in the second chassis to prevent extraneous noise from passing into the DC power signals, while communication and control signals are sent along a dedicated third cable to the audio section. The audio chassis is also configured in a mirror-image, left/right design with isolated, independent PCBs for volume control and for main and auxiliary signal paths. The communication signals are contained in a shielded central compartment, as is each channel of the phono input. Heavy aluminum extrusions and thick aluminum plates solidify the chassis and provide an optimized foundation for the audio circuitry. »
Reference Dual-Monaural Preamplifier
Input Overload (phono): >100mV @1kHz (40dB gain); >10mV @1kHz (60dB gain)
Volume Control Range: 80.0dB
10Hz – 40kHz (±0.2dB)
±1dB (RIAA response)
Input Impedance (line-level): 100k ohms — Input Impedance (phono): Resistive: 3.3Ω, 5.0Ω, 7.7Ω, 10Ω, 33Ω, 50Ω, 77Ω, 100Ω, 330Ω, 47kΩ, (user-selectable) Capacitive: 50pF, 100pF, 150pF, 200pF, 250pF, 300pF, 350pF, 0.01μF (user-selectable)
3 balanced (female XLR) stereo inputs; 4 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo inputs
1 balanced (male XLR) stereo main output; 1 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo main output; 2 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo record outputs
16V – balanced (XLR) connectors; 8V – unbalanced (RCA) connectors
Residual Noise: < 120dB (20Hz – 20kHz, input terminated,balanced)
Gain (line-level stage): 0dB, +6dB, +12dB, or +18dB (user-selectable) — Gain (phono stage): +40dB, +60dB @1kHz (user-selectable) — Gain Resolution: 1.0dB increments up to 23.0dB on display (–57dB to –80dB); 0.1dB increments above 23.0dB on display (0dB to –57dB)
20 ohms – balanced (XLR) connectors; 10 ohms – unbalanced (RCA) connectors
Operating Voltage: 100V – 240VAC, 50Hz/60Hz